4 am Movie dates with a little troll


(pictured is a little comic showing a mum and baby up at un-godly oclock in the morning watching Lilo and Stitch because the baby won’t sleep)

Well well! Second week of posting a little something like I said I would 😀
For some reason my little troll doesn’t like to sleep at night, but he naps really nicely during the day, so that’s always a good thing<3

This week has brought so many new things! Roots is taking his first steps this week, *holding one adult finger, but still! * He’s been taking just a couple solo steps and then going back to crawling at the speed of light , at 9 months!

(Now a couple days after I started this post and forgot that I didn’t publish it -.-
Rootletootle is step step step stepping all over the place! A 9 step record so far!
And he’s shaking his little troll bum to music XD CUTEST THING EVER!)

His favourite foods this week are tangerines without the skin parts, apple sauce, sweet potato ,rice crisps with milk and baby cheese-its. He even signed a modified “more” and tapped the lid for more cheese-its!
Holy smartypants Batman!
He’s also started playing hide and go seek with me, as opposed to me with him.
So so so many new things each and every week ❤

<—-Something else that happened this week that is pretty special is finding someone that makes breast milk beads (Like pandora style)
For those of you following my art on “The art of Mae Greyfrost” on facebook , you’ve already seen my Mermommies, and know how special my connection to Rootlebug is through our breast feeding journey, for anyone just starting to follow here on RootleTootle, here’s just one of my Mermommies:

(unfotunately thye small company was a scam and stone money from other mothers too without providing the promised jewelery as well as stealing the breast mik)—>


Breastfeeding , the connection of body ,mind , and soul between my little troll and I has become a huge part of my life, and a great inspiration in my art at the moment. I can’t help it , it just makes my heart feel so full of love its like the Grinch smashing the heart see-er thingy!
So naturally, this bead is going to be an amazing thing to have when this part of our journey together is over. *sad 😦 *


Now go , have a hot bath, sit in the sunshine spot on the floor , eat a good lunch/dinner/snack that makes your body happy, sip some tea , cuddle a cat, your baby, build a pillow pile and smoosh happily around in it and tell someone you love them!
Hope you all have a wonderful Valentines day, Anti-Valentines day or Sunday ❤

Love and a Spoon

#Mermommies #nosleep #disneydates #liloandstitch #autisticmum #baby
#happyvalentinesday #normalizebreastfeeding #trunksoflovebirthservices

New things and Branding


(Image has lots of cute little pictures of a baby troll with a knit cap and calligraphic ideas for the title of my blog)

Hello again all you beautiful people!
I’m pleased to be able to tell you that I’ll be blogging more again now that Roots is a little older and a LOT more independant 🙂
You may have noticed that I’ve switched over from Blogger to WordPress, and I’ve got to say, its SO much more friendly!
And what with the switch over, you’ll notice a change of name and branding happening too. There are lots of reasons for the big changes, but the big one is , we’ve had HUGE changes in the last year and a half!
With change more change comes. *I’ve noticed, once you start making change , more and more happens*
Change the first: the move to WordPress, Blogger was great, but never wanted to work on my phone, or tablet. With the addition of a laptop from Roots’ wonderful Godparents I could blog again! But decided that I really just don’t like Blogger and HB showed me WordPress. I’m hooked on the user friendly-ness of it!
Change the second: The title of my blog, “What’s the A.S.Deal!?” is now called “RootleTootle”! There are so many reasons behind this change, one is that I really found that over time , the name no longer suited my blog. Originally a play on the question “what’s the deal?” and Autism Spectrum Disorder, I’ve decided that I don’t think I like the term “Disorder” used against my neurology. It became a hurtful term in my mind, so a new name was in order!
Rootlebug is my favourite person in the universe *and HB of course* and so when my new Etsy shop asked me for a name and “Hello Sweety” was taken, RootleTootle seemed only natural!
Leading into
Change the third: The focus of my blog. Just like the change in title, I’m going in a new direction with my art and blogging 🙂 Though I will still be writing from an autistic perspective and still advocating with the autistic community in mind, my life has had a wonderful upheaval! Roots , rather , becoming a Mother has become central to my world and my art and words reflect that and are being redefined by it ❤
I’m still going to be posting short comics and questions and answers in relation to autism *from my point of view, with respect that while I don’t speak for every autistic person, I may be able to provide some insight , sometimes and hope that I can still help create understanding between neurotypical and non neurotypical people *
I’ll be posting more often about Motherhood from my perspective, and though I wish I could keep up with the beautiful comics that you have seen from me the last couple years, they take SO LONG to create that its impractical at this time to continue doing them 😦
So you won’t see those for a while, but what you WILL see , are shorty comics, and lots of beautiful artwork.
Change the fourth: I’m really REALLY going to try to blog once a week, even if its just a quick hello and wishing you all a little love, because THAT will never change 😉
And letting you know when I have new and awesome things up on my etsy!
Just SOMETHING little, every week.

Alrighty then! Thats it for today, because Roots only napped for 30 minutes and wants exits for lunch XD **Exits = Eggs**

If you want to keep up with all our fantastical new things, remember to LIKE and SHARE this post, if you watch closely we’ll be having a give away contest soon!

So until next week,
love and a spoon!
❤ + (__)======

and now for all the hashtags:
#RootleTootle #autisticartist #autisticmom #baby #troll #newthings #art
#brand #loveandaspoon